Saturday, June 24, 2017

Mast step and coamings

Two hours of work this morning. We prepared the mast step for fiberglassing

and started to round the edges on the coamings

Total work time to date: 583 hours

Monday, June 19, 2017


Two hours only last saturday to work on the seat coamings. Those are 2x4s beefed up at both ends. Even in this case the measurements on the plans were a bit confused so we had to correct something...

In thje meantime, we ordered and received another 12.6 kg batch of resin (hopefully the last).

Total work time to date: 581 hours.

Saturday, June 10, 2017

Akas glassed

Four more hours today to finish glassing the central beam of the forward aka, and grind away the fiberglass edges from the other pieces. Here's a view of the beam before glassing, while we're measuring where to pur the mast step which is anothere hefty piece of wood.

Here's how it looks at the end of the day

Total work time to date: 579 hours

Monday, June 5, 2017

Still glassing the akas

Four hours of work this week end, still glassing the akas piece by piece. Those are 6 big and heavy planks and one has to glass one side at a time, so it takes time. Here's a pic showing resin and hardener (about 350 cc in total) in a cup before mixing. The mixing ratio is checked with an electronic scale and a precomputed table. I hope this doesn't bring bad luck, but we have never screwed up the resin proportions...

On Friday we glassed the lower faces of both forward swing arms.

On saturday we glassed the doubler of the rear aka. Here it is before

and after.

Finally, on sunday we glassed the remaining sections. The forward aka is waiting for fiberglassing (upper face) in the background.

Total work time to date: 575 hours