Saturday, March 28, 2015

Fitting the sole panels

Four hours today to fit the ill-sized sole panels...

This is a real pain in the a** because we trusted plans and instructions but the dimensions proved wrong. We should have checked on the hull before cutting plywood. Here's a view that shows the real error in length (the tape measure is metric) in the forward panel, which we had previoulsy cut according to the plans)

This photo shows another issue. See that resin fairing below the butt block? The instructions suggest to leave that space empty so that you can insert the corner of the panels there. but there's no way to persuade 10 mm thick plywood to do that thing, so we decided to fill those spaces with thickened resin and then cut recesses in the corners of the sole panels. In this specific case we also have to glue a butt block under the sole and then add an extension to reach the bulkhead.
The last pic shows the central sole panel, whose length was almost there while the width was way off at the bulkheads. Same as above regarding the recesses at the corners.
This panel is important because it will be the cockpit floor through which the daggerboard goes: its trunk stays between sole and floor.

We started to work also on the aft sole panel, which is both too long (by about 2 cm) and too wide at the bulkhead. Will finish next time.

Total work time to date: 265 hours

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