Saturday, November 15, 2014

First deck glued, and some

Here we are again. We've been more active than what appears from this blog, even if we went on a business trip of almost two weeks in the USA between late October and early November, and I visited my son in Scotland the week before.

Today we worked about 4 hours to glue the deck on the first ama. It took more than 1 kg of microfiber-thickened resin, many screws (previously lubricated) and some final fairing. Here's a pic taken at the end of the day with the milestone beer. The deck looks quite fair and flat...

Here is Cinzia spreading the glue on the inner face of the forward deck this morning

and here is the situation at lunch time, with the forward deck glued up

In the previous weeks we spent about 7 hours on other things, like fairing the round pads

or cutting the deck for the porthole

Total work time to date: 190 hours.

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